A story about redemption and the unpredictable repercussions of even the smallest choices
(with illustrations)
Paperback/ Kindle Edition
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What would you do…?
…when it turns out that what you wanted and aspired to is not what you imagined?
…when you can’t discern the right path in a maze of options?
… when all the choices you made in the belief that they were right and necessary, even in an attempt to help, were wrong and actually hurt someone?
…when uncovering the truth and reconciling with your conscience means hurting someone?
Whose fault is greater?
„I’m also to blame, but you forced her to be torn apart by thе choice between her husband and her son.”

She arrived in the big city, eager to achieve her big dream – to find her “multi,” with whom she plans to live carefree in luxury

Guided by her own fabricated moral compass, she skillfully overcomes all kinds of trials—both those of conscience and those affecting her physical well-being.
A novel blending elements from various genres, interwoven with social and philosophical themes that explore the enigmatic nature of humanity. The characters, driven by circumstances and personal ambitions, reach the limits of their mental resilience and belief in the healing of their emotional wounds. The fates of these unyielding, complex personas are entwined in a dynamic and multilayered plot. Drawn by their desires towards a stormy confrontation with a domino effect, each faces difficult, life-affirming choices and undergoes their own personal catharsis.

Paperback/ Kindle Edition
Available on Amazon…
About the author

Human nature has always fascinated me. Surprised and amazed. Shocked and horrified. Impressed and made me laugh.
Why does someone do what they do? How did they become the way they are? In what aspects of their life are life lessons learned and unlearned, past experience and self-improvement evident? Does the environment shape them and how much? Or the greatest influence is themselves and how they want to be? How does he choose his lifestyle?
To what extent are the decisions theirs, dictated by the needs of their personality and their beliefs, and to what extent are they the result of an accumulation of ideas and perceptions, the influence of external factors?
Do we decide at every moment what will happen and under what circumstances, or are we in blissful ignorance and delusion of who we really are, what we are and how far our possibilities extend? Puppets of invisible forces?
All questions out of which more arise – more and more, because the thirst for knowledge is inherent in us. Eternal seekers of answers – for the world, for us as a species, for man as a multicolored ball of twine vibrating with emotions, for which you cannot predict how, with what force and where it will roll and unfold its thread. How far can it go? What will its impact be and how many lives will it touch? Will it change anyone’s mind? Or someone’s thinking, their ideas, their choices, their way of interacting with the world? What will be the effect of the butterfly?
It seems to me that whatever excitement for searching you may have, you must know where to search and how to discern the truth. To learn to see the true colors of life and everything in it. To discover the second plan. To delve into the detail. Hey this is my aspiration that I want to share. And if you have some, it would be great to exchange them.
Contact: ididntmeantobyid@abv.bg